Tomás Balderas-Contreras

Software Engineer
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Puebla, MEXICO
e-mail: balderas at ccc dot inaoep dot mx
Résumé: Please, check my profile in LinkedIn

General Information

Tomás Balderas-Contreras got his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science at Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), and his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Mexico. Tomás has worked, as a software engineer, for companies like Oracle Corporation, Intel Corporation and Virtutech AB, and for different universities and research centers in Mexico. Tomás has published the results of his research and development projects in peer-reviewed papers in the proceedings of national and international conferences, and in a number of international specialized journals.

Specialties and interests
  • Research and Development in Software and Hardware Engineering.
  • Algorithmic description languages (programming languages, modeling languages, hardware description languages, etc.)
  • Software development paradigms (structural, object-oriented, functional, etc.)
  • Computing platforms (physical, virtual and abstract).
  • Implementation tools (compilers, interpreters, hardware synthesizers, model transformations, etc.)

  1. Model-Based Design of Digital Hardware Systems for Digital Communications. Ph.D. Thesis. 2012.
  2. Hardware/Software Implementation of the Security Functions for Third Generation Cellular Networks. M.Sc. Thesis. 2004.
  3. Desarrollo de un Sistema Simulador de la Arquitectura SPARC Mediante el Ambiente Operativo NeXTSTEP. B.Sc. Thesis. 2000.

Peer reviewed papers in international journals
  1. T. Balderas, R. Cumplido and C. Feregrino, “On the Design and Implementation of a RISC Processor Extension for the KASUMI Encryption Algorithm”, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 34, Issue 6, Pages 531-546, 2008.
  2. T. Balderas, R. Cumplido and G. Rodríguez, “Synthesizing VHDL from Activity Models in UML 2”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 42, Issue 5, Pages 542-550, 2014.
Peer reviewed papers in poceedings of conferences
  1. T. Balderas and H. García, "Desarrollo de un sistema simulador de la arquitectura SPARC mediante el sistema operativo Mach y el ambiente NeXTSTEP", Proc. Second National Conference on Computer Science (ENC'99), SMCC, Pachuca, Hidalgo. MEXICO, 1999.
  2. T. Balderas and H. García, "Interpretive and non-interpretive techniques for instruction set simulation", Proc. Sixth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIE00), CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City. MEXICO, 2000.
  3. T. Balderas and R. Cumplido, "An Efficient Reuse-Based Approach to Implement the 3GPP KASUMI Block Cipher", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Tenth Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEEE/CIE 2004), CINVESTAV-IPN, IEEE, Acapulco, Guerrero. MEXICO, 2004.
  4. T. Balderas and R. Cumplido, "An Efficient Hardware Implementation of the KASUMI Block Cipher for Third Generation Cellular Networks", Proc. Technical Conference of the International Embedded Solutions Event (GSPx 2004), Santa Clara, CA. USA, 2004.
  5. T. Balderas and R. Cumplido, "High Performance Encryption Cores for 3G Networks", Proc. 42th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2005), Anaheim, CA. USA, 2005.
  6. T. Balderas, G. Rodriguez and R. Cumplido, "A UML 2.0 Profile to Model Block Cipher Algorithms", Proc. Sixth European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2010), Paris, FRANCE, 2010.
Chapters in books
  1. T. Balderas and R. Cumplido, "An Efficient FPGA Architecture for Block Ciphering in Third Generation Cellular Networks", Research on Computer Science Vol. 10, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Eds. S. Suárez, C. Aguilar and J. Figueroa, CIC-IPN, ISBN:970-36-0194-4, MEXICO, 2004.
  2. T. Balderas, G. Rodriguez and R. Cumplido, "On Model-Driven Engineering of Reconfigurable Digital Control Hardware Systems", Reconfigurable Embedded Control Systems: Applications for Flexibility and Agility, Eds. M. Khalgui and H-M. Hanisch, IGI Global, ISBN-10:160-96-0086-X, USA, 2011.
Non peer-reviewed technical reports
  1. T. Balderas and R. Cumplido, "Security Architecture in UMTS Third Generation Cellular Networks", Technical report CCC-04-002, Computer Science Department, INAOE, Tonantzintla, Puebla. MEXICO, 2004.
  2. T. Balderas, "Desarrollo de un Generador de Código Swift a Partir de Modelos de Clase en UML 2", Puebla, MEXICO, 2018.
Dissemination papers
  1. T. Balderas, "Breve revisión del lenguaje de desarrollo Swift", Software Guru 48, October, 2015.

Documentos en español escritos hace mucho tiempo, cuando yo era estudiante de posgrado en INAOE; presentan soluciones a problemas e información sobre diferentes temas relacionados con mis cursos.

Teoría de autómatas y lenguajes formales

  1. Solución a algunos ejercicios en el libro Automata Theory, Languages,and Computation por John E. Hopcroft.
Orientación a objetos
  1. Contraste entre los lenguajes Smalltalk, Objective C y Java, y resumen del artículo "Do Object-Oriented Languages Need Special Hardware
    Support?" por Urs Hölzle y David Ungar.
  2. Técnica de modelado con objetos (OMT) y resumen del artículo "Mapping UML Designs to Java" por William Harrison, Charles Barton y Mukund Raghavachari.
  3. Solución a algunos ejercicios en el libro Data Structures and Algorithms With Object Oriented Design Patterns in C++ por Bruno R. Preiss.
Estructuras de datos
  1. Grafos y sus representaciones, recorridos y algoritmo de Dijkstra.

Ingeniería de software
  1. Falla de software del vuelo 501 del cohete Ariane 5 y descripción de la guía SWEBOOK.
  2. Introducción a la Reingeniería de Software Mediante Patrones de Diseño
  3. Instalación y uso básico del sistema de control de versiones Subversion.
Digital signal processing
  1. Solution to some exercises and MATLAB computer projects in a book whose title and author I do not remember.
Arquitectura de computadoras
  1. Introducción a la arquitectura IA-64 (hoy IPF) y al procesador Itanium 2.
  2. Simuladores completos de sistemas computacionales (Instruction-set simulators).
Sistemas operativos
  1. Micronúcleos: Una alternativa para implantar sistemas distribuidos.
  2. BIOS: Conociendo y reflexionando sobre la bestia (Diapositivas).
Unified Modeling Language
  1. Tutorial de UML 2.x basado en el libro UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, Third Edition, por Martin Fowler (Diapositivas).
Last updated on Thursday, July 14th, 2022.