The MCPR Postgraduate Students' Meeting (MCPR2023-PSM) has been designed for bringing together Master and PhD students in order to discuss their research with a panel of both students and senior researchers in the area of Pattern Recognition. MCPR2023-PSM will be held in Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico from June, 21th-24th, 2023.

The main objectives of this Meeting are:

  • Provide feedback on participants' research and advices for future directions
  • Promote interaction with other researches
  • Promote a spirit of collaborative research and participation in conference events
  • Topics

  • Bioinformatics
  • Neural Networks
  • Computer Vision
  • Neural Networks and Associative Memories
  • Data Mining
  • Parallel and Distributed Pattern Recognition
  • Document Processing and Recognition
  • Robotics & Remote Sensing Applications of Pattern Recognition
  • Discrete Geometry
  • Fuzzy and Hybrid Techniques in Pattern Recognition
  • Shape and Texture Analysis
  • Image Coding, Processing and Analysis
  • Signal Processing and Analysis
  • Industrial and Medical Applications of Pattern Recognition
  • Pattern Recognition Principles
  • Special Hardware Architectures of Pattern Recognition
  • Logical Combinatorial Pattern Recognition
  • Statistical & Structural Pattern Recognition
  • Mathematical Morphology
  • Voice and Speech Recognition
  • Natural Language Processing and Recognition
  • Paper submission

    All the 10 pages postgraduate students' meeting papers must include:

  • Research problem to solve
  • Research Methodology
  • Main contribution
  • Results achieved and their validity
  • Papers must be elaborated based on this Formatting Instructions. Papers must be sent (in PDF format) to: Accepted papers are expected to be published in the Research in Computing Science (ISSN: 1870-4069) and will be presented at the conference as a poster.

    Review Process

    All the papers (PDF) will be submitted in English. A designed Technical Committee will review all submissions rigorously (considering technical content, originality, and relevance).


    May 15, 2023 - Deadline for submission

    June 9, 2023 - Notification of acceptance

    June 15, 2023 - Camera-ready

    June 21-24, 2023 - Postgraduate Students’ meeting




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    © MCPR2023