Workshop's main theme: Intersection between Autonomous Drones, General Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

The Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), the Mexican Federation of Robotics, and The Mexican Association of Computing, invite members of the academic, business, and government sectors, as well as the general public, to attend the International Workshop on Intelligent Drones.

The workshop will take place at the INAOE facilities located in Santa María Tonantzintla, in San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, on October 22, 2024.

This year, the workshop will address the intersection of three scientific areas: Autonomous Drones, General Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence, and how their combined methods and techniques give rise to Intelligent Drones.

A round table with experts on drones, general robotics, and AI will discuss the similarities of challenges in these areas and how addressing these challenges can lead to collaboration opportunities.

In addition, plenary sessions and keynote presentations will be given by renowned researchers and experts specialising in these topics.

The workshop will also include a tutorial on Deep Learning for Neural Pilots and the Second Outdoor Autonomous Drone Racing Competition.

Centro de Información, INAOE
Luis Enrique Erro no. 1.
Sta. Ma. Tonantzintla, San Andrés Cholula.
Scheduled on: Tuesday 22, from 8:30 to 19:00 hrs.

Tel: 0052 222 266 31 00 ext 8302/8219
Twitter: CInaoe
Tiktok: ccc_inaoe


El INAOE es un Centro Público de Investigación, desarrollo tecnológico y formación de recursos humanos pertenenciente al Conahcyt.


La Coordinación de Ciencias Computacionales (CCC) tiene como misión contribuir al avance de la cientia en México en el área de ciencias computacionales y tecnologías de la información