Registration Fees

Student Registration fees:
For registration and payment as student attendee (which only includes conferenes, tutorials and coffee break) please click over the following link:   Student  registration

Author registration fees:
IAPR Members(2)  Non-IAPR members
Early Registration (1)
before  April 11, 2016
$400 USD $ 425 USD
Late Registration
after April 11, 2016
$450 USD $475 USD

* Author Registration must be paid in U. S. Dollars (USD).
(1) The author registration fee includes: Proceedings, Lunch, Coffee Break, Conference Dinner, and Diploma.
If you want to be a member of MACVNR (which is an IAPR association), you must send your name, institution, address and research interests to  in order to be affiliated (Currently, affiliation to MACVNR is free).





