Conference Venue
Subway: By the Yellow line, go North to the terminal station Politecnico. There are two exits, choose the one to "Calle Diana". Walking along the car circulation by the large street (Eje Central), pass one building (car dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right, and enter the IPN Institute territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
Taxi: Tell to taxi driver go to north by Av. Eje Central Cien Metros until the Subway station Politecnico, and you are almost here; you can continue on foot or in taxi. Pass the Subway station, pass one building (car dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right by Av. Venus, and enter the IPN territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
Car: Take North Av. Eje Central Cien Metros. Pass the large bus terminal "Terminal de Autobuses del Norte" (to the right from you). Pass the tower of the Mexican Oil Institute - Instituto Mexicano de Petroleo - (to the left from you) and the Instituto de Petroleo Subway station. When crossing Eje 5 Norte (Montevideo), move to the right lane of Av. Eje Central Cien Metros. Pass the Politecnico Subway station and go slowly. Pass one building – the Ford car dealer MYLSA (a glass building), turn right into Venus street, and enter the IPN gate. Leave some personal identification document at the entrance gate to IPN. The nearest building is CIC, a pink square 3 floor building.
Bus: There are many buses and microbuses that go along Av. Eje Central to the Metro Politécnico Subway station. Ask the driver to tell you when the bus arrives to that station. Then walking along the car circulation by the large street (Eje Central), pass one building (car dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right, and enter the IPN Institute territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
Metrobus: From the center of the city, you can take Metrobus North at Insurgentes street (to the direction Indios Verdes). Get out at La Raza, and from there take either taxi or Subway (yellow line) to Subway terminal station Politecnico. See the first item on how to get from Subway to the conference place. You will need to buy a plastic card to get to the Metrobus; the card can be re-charged in a special machine at the bus station. The card may (or may not) be sold at the bus station; ask at the hotel where to buy a Metrobus card.
Postal Address: CIC building, Av. Juan de Dios Batiz unnumbered, cross with Av. Miguel Othon de Mendizabal, Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez Mateos" of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN). Zip code: 07738. Mexico City, MEXICO.

congress will be hosted by the Center for Computing Research of the
National Polytechnic Institute (CIC-IPN), situated into the National
Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Campus Zacatenco.
Av. Juan de Dios Batiz unnumbered, cross with Av. Miguel Othon de Mendizabal.
Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez Mateos"
Col. Nueva Industrial Vallejo
Delegación Gustavo A. Madero
C.P 07738,
México D.F.

Av. Juan de Dios Batiz unnumbered, cross with Av. Miguel Othon de Mendizabal.
Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez Mateos"
Col. Nueva Industrial Vallejo
Delegación Gustavo A. Madero
C.P 07738,
México D.F.

How to get to the CIC building, the venue of MCPR2015:Subway: By the Yellow line, go North to the terminal station Politecnico. There are two exits, choose the one to "Calle Diana". Walking along the car circulation by the large street (Eje Central), pass one building (car dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right, and enter the IPN Institute territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
Taxi: Tell to taxi driver go to north by Av. Eje Central Cien Metros until the Subway station Politecnico, and you are almost here; you can continue on foot or in taxi. Pass the Subway station, pass one building (car dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right by Av. Venus, and enter the IPN territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
Car: Take North Av. Eje Central Cien Metros. Pass the large bus terminal "Terminal de Autobuses del Norte" (to the right from you). Pass the tower of the Mexican Oil Institute - Instituto Mexicano de Petroleo - (to the left from you) and the Instituto de Petroleo Subway station. When crossing Eje 5 Norte (Montevideo), move to the right lane of Av. Eje Central Cien Metros. Pass the Politecnico Subway station and go slowly. Pass one building – the Ford car dealer MYLSA (a glass building), turn right into Venus street, and enter the IPN gate. Leave some personal identification document at the entrance gate to IPN. The nearest building is CIC, a pink square 3 floor building.
Bus: There are many buses and microbuses that go along Av. Eje Central to the Metro Politécnico Subway station. Ask the driver to tell you when the bus arrives to that station. Then walking along the car circulation by the large street (Eje Central), pass one building (car dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right, and enter the IPN Institute territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
Metrobus: From the center of the city, you can take Metrobus North at Insurgentes street (to the direction Indios Verdes). Get out at La Raza, and from there take either taxi or Subway (yellow line) to Subway terminal station Politecnico. See the first item on how to get from Subway to the conference place. You will need to buy a plastic card to get to the Metrobus; the card can be re-charged in a special machine at the bus station. The card may (or may not) be sold at the bus station; ask at the hotel where to buy a Metrobus card.
Postal Address: CIC building, Av. Juan de Dios Batiz unnumbered, cross with Av. Miguel Othon de Mendizabal, Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez Mateos" of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN). Zip code: 07738. Mexico City, MEXICO.