Short CV

Dr. René Cumplido is a Professor at the Computer Science Department
at INAOE. He received the BSc degree in Computer Systems from the Querétaro Institute of Technology, Mexico, in 1995. He received the MSc degree in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications) from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute at Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1997. In 2001, he received the PhD degree in Electrical
Engineering (Digital Design) from Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
In 2002, Prof. Cumplido joined the Reconfigurable and High Performance Computing Group (formerly FPGA Research Group) of the Computer Science Department at INAOE. He is involved in both academic
and R&D activities. He has directed MSc and PhD thesis, and taught postgraduate courses on computer architectures, digital design,
parallel processing, reconfigurable computing, digital signal processing, and digital communications. His research interests are Reconfigurable
Computing Applications, FPGA Technologies, and Custom Hardware Architectures.
Prof. Cumplido is author and co-author of 90+ scientific papers published in international conferences and journals. He is co-founder
and chair the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig. He is the founder and served as editor-in-chief
(2007-2011) of the International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, IJRC. He is active in a number of technical committees of
international conferences and has served as associate and guest editor of several international journals. He is Senior Member of the IEEE.
Prof. Cumplido is a member of the Research National System of Mexico level II (SNI II).