Paper submission and review process:

All the 10 A4-pages papers will be submitted and presented at the conference in English. All submissions will be blind peer reviewed for originality, technical content and relevance to the theme of this conference by three members of the Scientific Committee. The final acceptance will be based upon peer review of the full-length paper.

Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series.

The International Journal of Neurocomputing has accepted to publish a special issue for MCPR2014.

The papers should be submitted electronically before January 24, 2014 through the EasyChair System  and prepared following the instructions from LNCS series.

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and to present the communication at the conference, if it is accepted.

Camera ready and registration process:

The accepted papers will be allocated up to 10 pages in the proceedings, and you have to give an oral presentation (about 15 minutes with some additional time for Q&A).
Due to the short time for publishing the proceedings by Springer, it is very important that you send the camera ready version of your paper, following the suggestions of the reviewers, before March 30th (including the source files), by email to:

You should pay attention to the required format for the paper ( papers that not fulfill these requirements would not be published in the LNCS volume.

When you submit your camera-ready manuscript, you must also send us the filled and signed copyright form.

Additionally, you must send us the completed registration form and at least one of the authors should attend to the conference and should pay the registration fee before April 8. For do that you should make a bank transfer, and send the transfer receipt together with the camera ready version of your paper.

Bank transfer data:
Name of the holder: INAOE-STAR BURST
Account number: 00447531435
Standard Key (CLABE): 012 650 00447531435 4
ABA: 021000021
Branch: 3739 Cholula, Pue. 
Address: Av. Morelos No. 10 Col. Centro San Pedro Cholula,
              Puebla, México 72760
