Watt 2015 - Workshop on Adaptive Treatments and Therapies (WATTs)


Submission is now closed. To submit the camera ready version of your paper, please go to:


Contributions will be accepted in two forms:

All submissions of the workshop papers will be done via “confy” ( http://www.confy.eai.eu ). All accepted workshop papers shall follow the PH2015 submission templates (IEEE, see main PH website for details http://pervasivehealth.org/2015/show/home ). All accepted workshop papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published in the IEEE Library. They will also be indexed in: Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings, SCOPUS, DBLP, and ScienceDirect.

The best two paper will be invited to submit to the JCR journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Submission of previously published work is possible, but the authors are required to mention this explicitly, and will not be included into the workshop proceedings. Authors are welcome to present their novel work and choose to opt out of the workshop proceedings in case they have alternative publication plans.