Special Session on Animal Biometrics  and Plant Recognition

The ability to answer questions such as ecological response and effectiveness of conservation strategies is greatly improved by using efficient techniques to identify plant species and individual animals. Pattern Recognition is a promising framework for non-invasive Animal Biometrics and Plant Identification, but it is a challenging problem for algorithm developers at many different scales.
Tremendous interest has been generated in the user communities for such technology and growing interest is found in vision communities for producing it. In this special session, we consolidate key contributions from applied and methodological perspectives by inviting original papers in the following topics:

- Algorithms for individual and species identification for plants and animals
- Systems for animal biometrics and plant identification 
- "Intelligent" tools for image editing, labeling and feature extraction
- Comparative studies and performance evaluation
- Learning from relevance feedback and crowdsourcing
- Novel applications and operational practices

The  papers  of  this  session  will  follow  the  same  MCPR2014 paper submission and review process. All accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series.

Special Session Organizers:

Sai Ravela     -     ravela@mit.edu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Joaquin Salas     -     jsalasr@ipn.mx
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
