I Mexican Symposium on NIRS Neuroimaging (MexNIRS) 2017
Online Registration

Required fields are in BOLD

Title      First Name      Last Name 

Billing Details (tax number, address, email to receive the invoice)   (max length = 500 chars)

Special dietary requirements   (max length = 200 chars)

Option Price     Qty
Regular from developed countries and Mexico $350
Regular from underdeveloped countries $300
Students from developed countries and Mexico $250
Students from underdeveloped countries $175
Early Registration Discount $-100 (Applied until Sept. 15, 2017)
Discount to members of the fNIRS Society $-25

Total $0  

After completing the registration form, click the Pay Now button.
You will be transferred to PayPal where you can complete or cancel the transaction.
A confirmation email will be sent from both PayPal and Mexican Symposium on NIRS Neuroimaging when payment is completed (you will NOT receive an email if the transaction is cancelled).

Please keep the confirmation emails

Please email mexnirs@inaoep.mx if you have any problems with the online registration.