Ciencias Computacionales





R. K. Gulati and L. Altamirano. Prediction of Spectral and Luminosity Classes from Spectral Indices with Artificial Neural Networks. Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 273, Issue 1/4, p. 73-81 (2000).

Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Learning Dextrous Manipulation Skills for Multifingered Robot Hands Using the Evolution Strategy, Machine Learning, Vol. 31, 223-237, 1998.

Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Learning Dextrous Manipulation Skills for Multifingered Robot Hands Using the Evolution Strategy, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 5, 395-405, 1998.

Rajesh P. N. Rao and Olac Fuentes, Hierarchical Learning of Navigational Behaviors in an Autonomous Robot using a Predictive Sparse Distributed Memory, Machine Learning, Vol. 31, 87-113, 1998.

Rajesh P. N. Rao and Olac Fuentes, Hierarchical Learning of Navigational Behaviors in an Autonomous Robot using a Predictive Sparse Distributed Memory, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 5, 297-316, 1998.

Olac Fuentes, Rajesh P. N. Rao, and Michael Van Wie, Hierarchical Learning of Reactive Behaviors in an Autonomous Mobile Robot. Computación y Sistemas, Vol. 1, num. 2, 1997.

M. Arias-Estrada, M. Tremblay, D. Poussart, A Focal Plane Architecture for Motion Computation, Journal of Real-Time Imaging, Special Issue on Special-Purpose Architectures for Real-Time Imaging, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp 351-360, Dic. 1996. Abstract


Artículos en Congresos Internacionales con Arbitraje

Leticia Flores-Pulido, Aurelio López-López, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles. Classification of Segmented Images Combining Neural Networks and Wavelet Matching. In Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing VI. N. M. Nasrabadi and A.K. Katsaggelos (Eds.), Procs. Of SPIE Vol. 4305, January 2001

Luis Carlos Altamirano R., Leopoldo Altamirano Robles y Matías Alvarado Adaptive Image acquisition guided by Interpolation for the automatic generation of appearance based models Congreso Internacional de Computación CIC´2000, México D.F., Noviembre 15-17, 2000

Olac Fuentes and Ravi K. Gulati. Prediction of Stellar Atmospheric Parameter using Neural Networks and Instance-Based Learning. Advances on Artificial Perception and Robotics. October 2000.

César Torres-Huitzil, Miguel Arias Estrada. An FPGA Architecture for High Speed Edge and Corner Detection. Computer Architectures for Machine Perception (CAMP´2000). Padua, Italy, September 2000.

Miguel Arias Estrada, Roberto García de Campo, An FPGA Motion Computation Architecture for Real Time Performance. Visual 2000 Conference. México, D.F. Sep. 2000.

E. Turenne, Miguel Arias Estrada, D. Poussart. Motion Computation Using a Smart Sensor. Visual 2000 Conference. México, D.F. Sep. 2000.

A. Carrasco-Ochoa and José Ruiz-Schulcloper, Dynamical Feature Relevance Estimation Using Goldman Typical Testors, Memorias del V Simposio Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, Lisboa, Portugal, pp 301-309, September 11-13, 2000.

Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Aurelio López López, Alexander Gelbukh. Information Retrieval with Conceptual Graph Matching. DEXA 2000 London, Greenwich, the University of Geenwich - Greenwich Maritime Campus September 4-8, 2000

Esposito A., Ezin C. E., Reyes-Garcia C.A., A Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Noise Source Identification, SPECOM 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 2000.

Selene Maya, Rocio Reynoso, Cesar Torres, Miguel Arias Estrada. Compact Spiking Neural Network Implementation in FPGA. Field Programmable Logic Conference (FPL´2000). Villach, Austria. Aug. 28-30,2000.

Juan Jaime Vega, Rocio Reynoso, Miguel Arias Estrada, Leopoldo Altamirano R., Bragg Curve identification using a neural network. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN´2000), pp.IV-379-383, Como, Italy, July, 2000,

Olac Fuentes and Ravi K. Gulati, Prediction of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters from Spectra, Spectral Indices and Spectral Lines using Machine Learning. Proceedings of the Seventh Texas-Mexico Conference on Astrophysics, Austin, TX., April 2000.

Miguel Angel Ibarra Rivera, Jesús Favela Vara and Aurelio López López, Syntactic-Conceptual Analysis of Sentences in Spanish Using a Restricted Lexicon for Disambiguation. MICAI 2000, Avances en Inteligencia Artificial. Acapulco, México, April 2000.

Manuel Montes y Gómez, Alexander Gelbukh, and Aurelio López López, Comparison of Conceptual Graphs. . MICAI 2000, Avances en Inteligencia Artificial. Acapulco, México, April 2000.

Miguel Angel Ibarra Rivera, Aurelio López López, Jesús Favela Vara. Sentence Disambiguation Using a Restricted Spanish Lexicon Extracted from WordNet. International Conference CICLing-2000, Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. Mexico City, Mexico. February 2000.

Rafael Lemuz López y Leopoldo Altamirano Robles 3D Geometrical Models Editor using linear components for object recognition. MICAI/TAINA/TIARP 2000, Avances en Inteligencia Artificial. Acapulco, México, 11-14 Abril 2000

Antoine Lecerf, Denis Ouellet, Miguel Arias Estrada, Computer Vision Camera with Embedded FPGA Processing. Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VIII, Proceedinds SPIE Vol. 3966. San Jose, California, January 24-26, 2000.

L. Altamirano, M. Arias, Samuel Alviso Q., A. López. Sub-millimeter bolt location in car bodywork for production line quality inspection. Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VIII, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 3966(2000). San Jose, California 24-26 January 2000.

Manuel Montes y Gómez, Alexandre F. Gelbukh and Aurelio López-López, Detecting the Dependencies of a Peak News Topic, Congreso Internacional de Computación CIC´99 November 1999.

O. Fuentes y R. K. Gulati. Instance-Based Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters. Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems IX, Oct. 1999, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

Manuel Montes y Gómez, Alexandre F. Gelbukh and Aurelio López-López, Document Title Patterns in Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the TDS´99, Plzen, Czech Republic, Sept. 1999.

Manuel Montes y Gómez, Aurelio López López and Alexander F. Gelbukh, Text Mining as a Social Thermometer, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999, Workshop on Text Mining: Foundations, Techniques and Applications, Stockholm, Sweden, Agosto 1999.

Manuel Montes y Gómez, Aurelio López López and Alexander F. Gelbukh. Extraction of Document Intentions from Titles, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999, Workshop on Text Mining: Foundations, Techniques and Applications, Stockholm, Sweden, Agosto 1999. 

Aurelio López-López, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles Representation and Access for Digital Libraries First NSF-Conacyt Workshop on Digital Libraries, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 7-9, 1999

Trinidad, M. A.and Gulati, R. K. and Chavez, M. Analysis of Absorption Indices in the Wavelength Region 3800-5500Å, Star Formation in Early Type Galaxies, ASP Conference Series 163, ed. P. Carral & J. Cepa. ISBN: 1-886733-84-8 (1999), p.294-297.

R. K. Gulati, A. Bravo, G. Padilla, L. Altamirano R. The Application of Artificial Neural Networks: A catalog of spectral indices. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series. ASP Conf. Proc. IAU Symposium 192 on the stellar content of local group galaxies. 1999.

R. K. Gulati, L. Altamirano R., Employing Artificial Neural Networks in Stellar Astronomy. En UN/ESA Basic Space Science Workshop, Jordania, Marzo 1999.

R. K. Gulati and M. Chavez, Synthesis of Lick Spectral Indices with Overshooting and no-overshooting Model Atmosphere. In The Stellar Content of Local Group Galaxies. Proceedings of the IAU Symp. 192, in press, Eds. Whitelock and Cannon. San Francisco, Ca., ASP Conference Series, 356-362, 1999.

Torres-Huitzil, M. Arias-Estrada. Arquitectura FPGA para la extracción en tiempo real de bordes y esquinas de una imagen. Encuentro Nacional de Computación ENC 99 Memorias, Taller de Graficación, Visión y Robótica. Septiembre 1999, Pachuca, Hgo. Ref. 719, 6 paginas.

Aurelio López López y Jose Luis Sandoval Tafolla. Un Sistema Multiagente para Recuperación de Información Distribuida. Encuentro Nacional de Computación ENC 99 Memorias, Taller de Sistemas Distribuidos y Paralelos, Septiembre 1999, Pachuca Hgo. México, pp. 496-501.

Guillermo Sánchez, Manuel Lazo y Olac Fuentes, Algoritmo Genético para Calcular Testores Típicos de Costo Mínimo. Memorias del Cuarto Simposio Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, La Habana, Cuba, Marzo 1999.

Carrasco Ochoa Jesús Ariel, Ruiz Shulcloper, José, Análisis de sensibilidad para agrupamientos duros. Memorias del IV Simposio Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, La Habana, Cuba, Marzo 1999.

M. Arias Estrada y A. Lecerf. Cámaras Inteligentes para la Visión por Computadora, Taller de Inteligencia Artificial (TAINA´98). México, D.F., Nov. 1998. Abstract

J.D. Mendiola Santibañez, L. Altamirano Robles, Determinación de la calidad de frotis cérvico uterinos para un análisis citométrico posterior, Taller de Inteligencia Artificial, TAINA´98, Mexico, D. F. Noviembre 1998.

Aurelio López López y Manuel Montes y Gómez. Nominalization in titles: A way to extract document details, Simposium Internacional de Computación 98, "La Computación: Investigación, Desarrollo y Aplicaciones", Centro de Investigación en Computación, IPN, México, D.F., México, Noviembre 1998. 

Carrasco Ochoa Jesús Ariel, GBT un Nuevo Algoritmo para el Cálculo de los Testores Típicos de Goldman. Simposium Internacional de Computación 98, "La Computación: Investigación, Desarrollo y Aplicaciones", Centro de Investigación en Computación, IPN, México, D.F., México, Noviembre 1998.

De la Vega Doria Lucía Angélica, Carrasco Ochoa Jesús Ariel, Ruiz Shulcloper José, "Fuzzy Kora-W Algorithm", 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT 98, Aachen Germany, September, 1998.

Aurelio López-López and Sung H. Myaeng, Evidence Accumulation with Competition in Information Retrieval, SPIRE´98 String Processing and Information Retrieval, Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia September 9-11, 1998. 

M. Arias-Estrada, Motion Camera based on a Custom Vision Sensor and an FPGA architecture", AFPAEC´98 – Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic Cameras, Zurich, Suiza, Mayo 1998.

Carrasco Ochoa Jesús Ariel, Ruiz Shulcloper, José, Problemas de Sensibilidad del Conjunto de Testores Típicos de una Matriz Booleana, Memorias del III Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, México D. F., pp. 257-266, 1998.

Carrasco Ochoa Jesús Ariel, Ruiz Shulcloper, José, Un Modelo de Clasificación Supervisada Basado en Conjuntos de Representantes", Memorias del III Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, México D. F., pp. 267-278, 1998.

Bastide, Rémi; Palanque, Philippe; Muñoz Jaime and Duc-Hoa Le. Integrating rendering specifications into a formalism for the design of interactive systems. DSV-IS´98; Jun 3-5 1998, Abingdon, U. K.

Aurelio López López y Ricardo Tenorio Pérez. Una Máquina para Análisis Detallado de Documentos en la WWW, Encuentro Nacional de Computación ENC 97 Memorias del Taller de Bases de Datos, Septiembre de 1997, Querétaro, Qro. México. pp 35-38

Jorge Martínez-Carballido, Aurelio López López, WEB Programmable Services, Encuentro Nacional de Computación ENC97, Septiembre 1997. Taller Sistemas Distribuidos y Paralelos, pp. 21-25, Querétaro, Qro. México, Septiembre de 1997. 

M. Arias-Estrada, M. Tremblay, D. Poussart, A Motion Vision Sensor Architecture with Asynchronous Self-Signalling Pixels, CAMP 97 (Computer Architectures for Machine Perception), Boston, MA, Oct. 1997. Abstract

M. Arias-Estrada, M. Tremblay, D. Poussart, Computational Motion Sensors for Autoguided Vehicles, 10th International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation (ISATA´97), Robotics, Motion and Machine Vision in the Automotive Industries. Florence, Italy, June 1997. Abstract

Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Learning Dextrous Manipulation Skills Using the Evolution Strategy. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1997.

Martin Jägersand, Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Experimental Evaluation of Uncalibrated Visual Serrvoing for Precision Manipulation. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1997.

Aurelio López-López and Sung H. Myaeng, Extending the Capabilities of Retrieval Systems by a Two-Level Representation of Content, Proceedings of the Australian Document Computing Symposium, Justin Zobel (Ed.), Part I, Australia, 1996. 

Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Learning Dextrous Manipulation Skills Using Multisensory Information. Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE/SICE/RSJ/ International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Washington, D.C., December 1996.

Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Experiments on Dextrous Manipulation without Prior Object Models. Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Dearborn, Michigan, September 1996.

Rajesh P. N. Rao and Olac Fuentes, Learning Navigational Behaviors using a Predictive Sparse Distributed Memory. From Animals to Animats: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, September 1996.

L. Altamirano Robles, W. Eckstein, The importance of feature visibility for the evaluation of a matching hypothesis, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR´96) Wien, Austria, August 23 - 30, 1996

Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, The Virtual Tool Approach to Dextrous Telemanipulation. Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 1996.

Martin Jägersand, Olac Fuentes and Randal C. Nelson, Acquiring Visual-Motor Models for Precision Manipulation with Robot Hands. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, England, April 1996



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