Short CV
Claudia Feregrino is a researcher at the Computer Science Department at the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE in Puebla, Mexico). Her research areas are Data Compression, Cryptography and Steganography (Watermarking), Digital Systems Design, FPGA applications and Medical Imaging Applications. She received her BS in Computer Systems Engineering from Queretaro Institute of Technology, MSc in Electrical Engineering with Telecommunications option from the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Guadalajara and Ph.D. from Electronic Engineering in Digital Systems from Loughborough University in the United Kingdom.
She has been involved in the organization or as a PC member for several conferences/workshowps (ReConFig, CCIM, JIISIC) and as associate editor of the International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing. She has participated as a reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Forensics and Information Systems and Digital Imaging journals. She has been responsable for some projects including the development of robust algorithms for radiological medical images watermarking (CONACyT) and for the development of an imagenology network for the main hospital of the Mexican Navy (CONACyT-MARINA). She is member of the Researchers National System in Mexico, Level I and is founder member for the IEEE Puebla Computer Society Chapter and was its president from 2004 to 2006. She was in sabatical leave at CINVESTAV Guadalajara from 2009 to 2010.